Like Does Attracts Like
It is an age-old adage that ‘like attracts like', meaning similar things are drawn to each other by some invisible force of attraction such as a specific frequency or personal magnetism.
When you need to draw something towards you, to attract whatever is desired you must change your level of thinking to match the thing that you wish to bring into your life. If you wish to attract riches, for example, there is a need to behave, live, think, as well as act like a rich person.
If you desire a better job then you must act the part, a plumber would have difficulty being a computer technician without the correct training, thus to be an I.T. expert you have to live that life in order to attract that type of employment or position. If you want a new car then you need to go out to investigate what cars are on the market to determine which car you like most or want, as well as have a drivers licence and parking space; same for a new apartment, you need to see what is actually available in order to visualize more clearly what you require. Without looking into what you desire in detail it will be harder to imagine that it is already yours.
The key to attracting anything is to have a clear and precise image of what you want exactly, then to hold that image with a strong desire, believing it to be yours, living your dream like it is in fact real. You must keep this state until what you want becomes yours, this is the key. Many people can't hold a desire long enough, losing focus or changing their direction continually when what they desire doesn't materialize immediately. There is potential for the process to obtain what is required is not to be instantaneous, there are occasions where things do take time to come into your reality, but in other cases, you will get what you imagine seemingly immediately. The time it takes to obtain what has been imagined is due to perception as time is flexible, stretching and contracting like elastic, thereby distorting the conscious awareness of reality.
Visualization is an exacting art form, imagining in great detail the image of what you desire, then focusing that desire with an intense intent - keeping the desire strong, unchanging, until what you desire becomes yours. It is the belief that what you want is in fact already yours, the strong imagining of the feelings, the experiences, the joy as if what you desire was already in your possession - live your days as if what you want has in fact already become yours. It is the combination of imagining of every detail, the strong unending focus of desire, together with the belief that what you want is already yours, not will be or maybe, but already is yours; this is what will make your desires manifest within your reality more easily.
Science has shown that you are pure energy, it is when this energy reaches the correct frequency that you can create - your energy does have the ability to change reality if you direct it correctly and with enough focused desire.