The right question is always the key to finding the right answer
Just as the silence in music contributes vastly to a music score; just as silence of mind brings peace; the pause in poetry gives emphasis to the meaning; so too, the answers for which you search can be found in the silence, in the gap between thought, or when your mind exists in a state of peace when your thoughts are free to focus.
What do you really want from life? Where or what are you aiming for, what are your wishes, hopes, and dreams.
Many people live their life day by day, little by little in small chunks, they never look at the bigger picture of what is the 'Sole Goal / Soul Goal' to be achieved from their life. Of course, some may have short-term goals about what they want to achieve here or there, but what is the specific purpose of there life is a question very few ask. The key question is at the point of your death will you have any regrets about what you didn't do, what you didn't experience, the chances or challenges that came your way but you didn't take. By making a 'Life Map', a plan of all the things you want from life, all the things you want to achieve or experience, of where you are actually going or aiming for, you will be able to make the plans or devise the schemes to attain what you want.
The search for meaning, not only for your life in general but also the things you do and aspire to become.
The meaning of life is basically the meaning that you give each and every experience you have, the sum of all this is accumulated into the meaning of your life. you should always pursue the things of value that will contribute to your life goals, time spent searching for these elements of your life will never be wasted.
While there always seems to be something the will disturb or interrupt your search, you must firstly focus on what is truly important to you alone. While this may seem selfish, by achieving what you need to achieve you will bring joy to not only your life but those close to you. Putting your priorities to the fore will in retrospect bring benefits for all those close to you.
Doing things that bring you the most satisfaction and enjoyment will create the best life experiences.
Things that satisfy your curiosity, those things what you aspire to, or strongly desire to experience, are what you should pursue with vigor. Achieving a dream or desire will uplift your whole spirit, giving you the confidence to seek out other challenges that you can endeavor to accomplish.
The confidence to confront with the strength of willpower all that comes before you will be of immense value in your life. When you do the things you are meant to pursue you will feel spiritually enlivened, things will always seem to go more smoothly, you will feel invigorated - in a state of happiness and contentment. There will always be a feeling of something is not quite gelling when you pursue something that is not your true intent or in your best interest, thus through intuition you can be easily aware of what you should pursue or avoid.