What remains unseen
There are many mysteries, things that happen to you or go on around you that leave a great deal of the facts unseen, many questions unanswered, potentially forever unknown. It is true there is more below the surface of anything that happens than can possibly be known, imagined, visualized or comprehended. It is your imagination, your desire for truth, knowledge, facts, that lead you to search for what is hidden, what lies beneath what happens all around you constantly, the truth is just waiting for you to comprehend it.
Stretch out - watch the world go by
There always comes a time when you should know to let go, then just take it easy. This is when continuing is not doing more but less as planned or desired. There are times when what has been bugging you, perhaps a persistent problem or an unresolvable issue in your life that you have pursued with such vigor to solve without a conclusion. It is necessary to find the correct time to simply let go in order to remain sane.
Carpet Dust
Many issues that should be faced and dealt with then concluded are swept like dust under the carpet of life. Face then deal with the issues that are before you swiftly and effectively; then move on.
Dribble Time
Sound like a cartload of dribble then most likely it is. Don't be fooled by what others may tell you and be selective in who you care to place trust in.
Flip Flops
Flip Flops Never give any valuable opportunity the chance to pass you by, grab it without a second thought then make it yours.