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Secrets are only as valuable as the level of demand to know what they hide, or the power of the knowledge they could disclose.

Secrets can be about people, places or things, of various levels or intensity of interest. Any secret is only valuable to those who hold the secrets and those who really want to find out more about them. Once revealed, what was once thought a secret may be found to be of no interest or use at all to others; it was just the hype surrounding the secret that gave it value, in reality, the information had no significant benefits or value attached to it.

An aura of mystique can always be constructed around whatever can't easily be confirmed. There is always a game played between those that hold any secretive information with those who are keen to find out exactly what that information is so that they can assess its value to them, basically how they can achieve some related gain.

There are what can be classed as good or bad secrets based upon what they hide or the damage or good that can result once they are revealed. The value of any secret is always hidden, as secrets have unknown value until disclosed. Revelations can be disappointing to some extent, they never reveal the same level of mystery as the hype originally surrounding the secret. Disappointment is concealed within most revelations, as a secret is only as valuable as the desire to know it.

The unknown always has a certain aura or mystique about it, for knowledge always has immense potential power to control others. The unknown always attracts interest, as what is concealed creates a seemingly magnetic attraction to those eager to probe the depths of any unknown. The depth of confidence in any secret is limited to it remaining undisclosed.

Deception is a device to control oneself or others by twisting or inventing the truth into an easy acceptable form purely in order to manipulate.

Deception is the pit of delusion and illusionary forces that disguise the facts to gain acceptance or create ignorance of the true dynamics at play. A state of delusive deception can be a ‘mind ploy' to avoid accepting facts that are destructive in some way or thoughts that are undesirable; an escape from reality by replacing unwanted facts with an imagined or altered version of events or the truth. Not facing the truthful facts is always a short-term solution, as reality is persistent in the generally accepted view of anything. being more forceful than individual imagining or belief, be they believed real or imagined. A delusion that exists for an extended period of time can take on a life and legitimacy of its own, becoming the accepted and legitimate view as more people buy into the concept.

Deception depends upon the ability of the deceiver and the gullibility of the deceived. The elements that are used will also be of influence; the seeming validity of the lies used, the feasibility of the illusion that is portrayed, the quality of the supporting details, all contribute to the potential acceptance of the deceptions validity.

Deception is always imposing the belief of the imagined upon others, creating the circumstance that will cause the information relayed to be accepted. It is wise to be always vigilant, questioning whatever others may portray so as not to be deceived by others false beliefs or mischievous trickery.

Deception always holds some element of gain in some form for the deceiver, this may be some idle promise or the potential to obtain or achieve some desire. Deception's best ally is always greed, as once the expectation is set it will take a revelation for the deceived to escape the trap that has been set to envelop them.

Self-deception is the most difficult spell to break, as the desires driving the disillusioned will always be the object that has a hold over the thought process and an obstacle to accurate logic being applied.

Deceit is usually applied when one wishes others to believe something that is false in order to distract from the truth for some reason. Or when the truth is far too distasteful for oneself or others to bear that is disguised within an untruthful account of matters.

In order to avoid being deceived into believing some untruth any belief should be limited solely to the facts that can be proven or are clearly evident. To put one's faith in a depiction of what others perceived, true or otherwise, can only be disastrous from some point of view.

The facts if distorted or out of sync with beliefs can cause confusion; how much depends on the divide that exists between one's understanding and beliefs and the interpretation of reality.

Confusion comes in many forms and levels of intensity. Any struggle with confusion has the ability to intensify, even complicate the thought process further. Taking a break, stepping back, even walking completely away from confusion, especially if conflicting strongly against your beliefs is one solution. Confusion is unusually an illusion, a spell that is woven to gain some benefit by making others temporarily off balance mentally, either temporarily or until they concede with the focused narrative.

Confusion is caused by either the inability to process what is going on or a divide so large exists between beliefs and the reality being experienced. Confusion can be real or faked as an excuse or reason to avoid accepting some concept or idea. It is always a good excuse or way out to state that the opinions of others are confusing or contributing to confusion. Confusion may be feigned or used as an excuse to gain more time to extricate oneself from a particular range of situations that are deemed unwanted or unacceptable. Being confused is an ideal excuse to gain more time or to avoid doing or agreeing to something that is to be avoided.

States of confusion can be permanent or temporary, specific or wide-ranging, actual or concocted; being the basis or cause of a minor or major issue. The state of confusion may not even be fully realized as the factors involved cause the observers to be unable to disentangle themselves from the avalanche of supposed facts or issues that are difficult to begin to fathom.

Confusion can be self-induced by absorbing or attempting to process too much new information, being unable to accept certain details due to personal beliefs, or an unwillingness to accept new conflicting or difficult to believe or comprehend information. Confusion can be a permanent or temporary state, depending on whether the issue can be rationalized, understood, or disregarded for more personally logical information.

Confusion can also be caused externally by chance or malevolent influences. The impacts can be just for a moment or wider ranging, even taking on a life of their own; a downward spiral of conflicting information between beliefs and what reality is imposing. At such time it is always ideal to step to one side mentally to view all the information available. If the issue is minor with few or no consequences then it is best to let it be. If a major impact has the potential to affect daily life then figuring out what is going on is the best ploy. The greater contribution will be from people you trust, thus adding more views will enable some course of action from the extended input of various ideas. The introduction of clarity into the mix will always contribute towards making the right personal decision.

Confusion can be ignited by thoughts, words, and deeds. Confusion can be induced purposefully to achieve an agenda, to gain an advantage.

Confusion can be an induced state solely for the purpose of gaining an advantage or upper hand in a negotiation or some facet of life. When a person sets out to specifically cause confusion in order to gain an advantage over others then they are likely to be quite destructive in their nature. Using confusion as a type of weapon is only as good as the duration it can be maintained. Once others realize the confusion was induced they are likely to either react in kind, become more confident in forcing their demands or walk away in disgust; resulting in rarely letting their guard down or trust the one who purposely confused them ever again.

Confusion always has the ability to cause an illusion or dilution of arguments in relation to the true facts. By standing by logical thought, immaterial of the number of detractors offers the way to clarity. Always be fully aware of the value that someplace on causing confusion in order to get their own way. By standing by logical thought, immaterial of the number of detractors offers the way to clarity. Always be aware of the value that some people place on causing confusion in order to get their own way.

When some issue is blurry, lacking clarity, the potential for confusion arises if the details can't be verified in order to make the situation perfectly understandable. There are cases where others may make the situation unclear in order to confuse for long enough that they can enact an agenda or idea that would normally be rejected.

It is easy to become bewildered when conflicting information is revealed regarding a subject, especially if the information is from the same source. Under these circumstances either the source is confused or has no clear concept of how to view something, or the conflicting views were proposed purely to cause confusion. By keeping a clear thought process it is possible to identify when the lack of clarity is caused by others, either purposely or not; at such time this should be highlighted, irrespective of the stigma that may be involved with stating the information is unclear. Maintaining the legitimacy of your thoughts at such time is important, if others have some agenda then they will be likely to demonize anyone who questions their logic or asks for further clarification. Avoid building bridges by making assumptions, staying focused on facts is the easiest way to clarity.

When other try hard to convince you that you are confused it is the time to realize that some mischief is unleashed; ask for clear clarification of all points that seem off whack, irrespective of the rebuffs that may be directed towards you. Being confident in your logic and unwavering in the legitimacy of your thought process; pressure the ones using confusion as a weapon to clarify themselves regarding anything that is unclear or sounds unfounded. There are times when others may be confused and thereby cause confusion by not saying exactly what they mean; for whatever reason, they may seem to have legitimate or otherwise.

Accepting a version of facts, that doesn't sit well with you, as expected by everyone else is giving in to peer pressure. When something doesn't make sense or seems wrong, avoid letting others lead you down a path that is designed to gain your undesired acceptance through applying pressure, don't allow the agendas of others to dominate your actions. It is difficult to identify the truth when conflicting information is presented as truth; in cases of error, truth soon surfaces, but when confusion is at play the facts are difficult to pin down. Facts if distorted or out of sync with personal beliefs can cause confusion; how much confusion depends on the divide that exists between one's understanding and beliefs and the interpretation of current reality.

Thought around the meaning of time for contemplation

The concept of time within your mind is instilled there from the moment of your birth. But in true reality, this force called time fills up all the space. Its infinite and everything, and with your mind you can manipulate time and time will do your bidding if you simply just lead the way. All things are created here in time, from thoughts to mortal things, so let your mind's power reign free to make your life complete.

Your life will spiral and run away if you don't take full control. Only when you finally reflect upon your time on earth then will you notice that time passed by so quickly and that you did times bidding rather than the other way around.

This journey through time called for life is your chance to be, what you desire, what you create can be your reality. So focus on your desire and how to make them come true, and your life will be a journey that is a memory in eternity for you.

It is within this dance with time that the meaning of your mortal existence will be made clearer to you, little by little. The knowledge would most surely have served you much better and well if you had known it from the start. Yet if that were the case the journey would have less intrigue and the final realization less impact if this was to be so.

Creation is a gift of the Gods, bestowed on man to play with time, and make times passing so much more than fate would allow.

Listen all ye who travel here and pass this way once or more,
the world can be exactly what you want to be and all so very much more.
So never think your desires are too grandiose or too great,
for all this is just a dream, of magic in dust and time.

The angles gathered at the dawn of time, to see the sunrise and listen to the first sounds and so they will again gather for the moment when time is no more.

All you can take with you when you die are your memories.

The Mind has immense power to control all reality as you can perceive it and then interpret reality into a form of your desire. What you come to comprehend as real may or may not be so.

Is life purely a distraction. a kind of playground retreat for spirits, a place to come to ease the boredom of an eternity? So as an alternative to immortality you become mortal, to hare a whole myriad of emotions and feelings as well as to take with you when you leave a whole array of memories to reflect upon when there is no time and space.

It is within our imagination that the future lies, sometimes hidden amidst the cares of the day, sometimes forever lost in the realm of a wandering thought; true majesty belongs to those who can focus on what they want and keep the desire strong until they achieve those wishes.

It is within this dance with time that the meaning of your mortal existence will be made clearer to you little by little. The knowledge would most surely have served you better and well if you had known it from the start of your life. Yet if that were the case the journey would have had less intrigue and the final realization less impact if this was to be so.

Deliberations upon the potential of life

What are you to value most during your time on earth? The time you have to spend, the people you share this time with; your families, friends, and acquaintances. The experiences, each one so rich, but mostly taken for granted or felt to be mundane because their true worth within eternity hasn't been realized yet.

Each moment should be savored and enjoyed for it will never return. The people that you know will change, they come into your life and also leave; old friends, people you know, family, all will come and go in an ever moving cycle. Then as if by magic time will pass by so quickly on reflection that you wonder where it all went, how come it passed so quickly as if in the blinking of your eyes your life was over and done with. So savor the moments, enjoy each breath, maximizing the time you have. Find what gives you the most joy and pursue your dreams, achieving to the best of your ability what you set out to do.

Your life will spiral and run away if you don't take control.

Was it just in a blinking of an eye or so it seems, that your life passed by so quickly, not on a daily basis but in those moments of reflection when you feel that life passed by all so fast. The demands upon your time lead you down roads you had no eternal interest in and steal from you the right of free passage upon the earth.

When you finally reflect upon your time on earth, only then will you notice that time passed by so quickly and that you did time's bidding rather than the other way around.

There is a dream that young men have,
to have the world at their feet.
But the only dream that old men have,
is to die in peace and what will be their legacy.

Chronicles created throughout time

It is upon the pages of time that your passage through life is recorded; each detail, every moment, no matter how important or insignificant. This life is your book to write, your great adventure and endeavor upon the stage of mortality. Yes, this is your chance to be, your opportunity to grasp every gift that comes your way and has the potential to turn them into miracles.

The sun that shone, in a long forgotten spring has gone,
The trees with green leaves that died when the autumn came.
Winter tells its sordid tale on mother natures earth,
Many things seem to die only to be reborn in the spring.
Oceans of the world keep on turning, and our lives they drift on by,
Sometimes I start to wonder if we've played this scene before.

Should you feel remorse that you will not be able to experience the entire passing of time on earth, the moments you do experience are less than a blinking of an eye in the full context of time. Yet who are mortals to seek immortality along with the rewards would that bring, and considering eternity what value would those rewards have upon your final passing from this life, they would potentially be worthless once time stopped.

Of all the gold and riches you may own,
The material things that bring temporary joy,
Will all have no value with the passing of time.

The only things you can take with you from this life are your memories, chronicles of the mind, the good and the bad, the special moments, and those not so great, those feelings of loving and being loved, the things that brought you joy and happiness; these are yours to savour throughout eternity, forever, over and over, to pass away the moments when time exists no more.

Realizations and Thoughts for contemplation

So on the bridge to infinity, standing forlorn, unsure which route will lead you where, no particular care in mind, for destiny is a sure fickle thing, that does not welcome to be tampered with. So, therefore, what choices do you hold other than to be subservient to fate and follow your destiny to where it may lead, whatever the consequence? There are some that would deride such action and proclaim proactive proaction and correct choices are the best course to attain the required outcome. Yet the key point is don't stand here with no choice other than acceptance of whatever the Gods of fortune have in their playful minds.

Who am I, a mere mortal, to argue or question what the Gods have decided long, long, ago before I saw the light of day? Is it within my power or ability to question what is in store for me. For surely, the complete puzzle is available to the Gods, so who am I with my limited vision and knowledge to question them; and if I should do so, what would be the effect or response, surely the wrath of the Gods would be far worse than to accept my current fate and gracefully surrender to the outcome that is in store for me.

So here I stand awaiting a conclusion to my fate and whether this is the time to cross the bridge into infinity, where awaiting, arms open, are endless souls I have known throughout eternity. Waiting to greet my return from this passage through morality, that was only intended to break the boredom of eternity and provide a source of reflection and memories to think about until I can visit this place once again, at some time in a far-off future.

Look around you at all the things that man has crafted from nature, from the simplest thing to the most complicated, they all came from the earth. You too can also model and manipulate the things around you to your own desires and will. All that is required is the firm desire, a strong imagination, and persistent perseverance to continue until what you wish for has become yours.

Beyond your wildest dreams, lies the door to your potential reality. Create your ultimate reality with a strength of focus and desire, that through your imagination, your expectations can be manifested in reality.

This journey through time called this life is your chance to be, what you desire what you create can be your own true reality. So focus on your desires and how to make them come true and your life will be a journey that is a memory that will bring much joy throughout eternity for you.

Capture the essence of light in your life,
And the magic of dreams will come true.
So never think you
Believe what you wish for is already yours, And they will be.

Thoughts are abstract things in a way, they come and go at their own bidding and can make a profound effect or no effect on your life. Follow your thoughts, and allow them to lead to your dreams.

Within the consequences of your illusions,
lies the reality of all your tomorrows.
As within the confines of your minds,
can be found the seeds that will make you grow and excel.

The mind is a tundra of thoughts and word and rhyme, a well of knowledge and information available to those who seek it.

Mind's Eye

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