All Roads Lead You Home
Your destiny becomes the accumulation of the choices of which paths you made in life. Like a pyramid which has fewer stone blocks as you reach the top, so it is with life, the older you become the fewer choices are available to you; until finally at the moment of your demise you are unable to choose between living or dying, there are just no choices left to make.
Through life you are continually at the crossroads with choices for how to proceed in life, you even have the ultimate choice of whether to decide or not. It is by making the correct choices that enable you to live the life that you desire, the life you need to live. By choosing glumly or haphazardly or not even making a choice at all you will not progress along the path of your potential destiny.
You stop at these crossroads of life as if some invisible red light is holding you there, trapped until you can get your act together then proceed in a life direction of your choosing. These stops then starts in life are wasteful as far as your time is concerned. Life while seeming endless is in fact limited; it is only on reflection of your life that it becomes possible to clearly realize this, but then usually your prime years will have already passed you by. In your prime such matters have little concern or relevance to you, you are oblivious mostly to the various connotations of life. Mostly you are driven by events that occur in a continuous cycle that at times seems endless, yet orderly. Few realize this fact until it becomes far too late to make a life-changing difference. The consequences of your glib actions in youth become your mediocrity in your old age.